April is Sexual Assault Awareness month, and The Store is raising money for The Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico. I've been really excited about this! How many hours of therapy have I received at the center? Um... maybe 300 hours? And although I donate to them myself, I don't pay them. Also the therapy I've received there has been on par with the highest quality therapy I've ever had (I've had a lot of therapy). I owe a lot of fabulous changes in my Self to them. So, fundraising for them is on my awesome-list.
I was waiting on three customers. It looked like someone was buying someone else a first toy. They were boisterous and giggly and disrespectful around things that suggested people might like something they did not. I was not surprised when they didn't want to donate. But then one of them said "the best way to stop rape is for all women to get guns... and learn how to use them."
Now, I feel like I shouldn't need to tell anyone why this is awful and creepy. I feel like there are plenty of websites out there that tell us all about that. And yet, this kind of attitude is still rampant. On the off chance someone stumbles across here, or forwards this to someone who needs to know, let's take a closer look.
Rape culture is what tells boys and men that they have to be powerful in order to be manly. It perpetuates the normalcy of violence against women, other minorities, disenfranchised groups and reinforces rigid gender roles through media. It tells us that it's the responsibility of someone to avoid rape rather than telling us it's our job to treat other human beings with respect and kindness.
I know a lot of people don't believe in rape culture. I don't know what to say to them except, go listen to a class or presentation about it and then, once you have information, make another decision. If it's a good presentation, it won't blame groups of people (nor individuals). Fault is beside the point. We are inured to what is right in front of us. Meaning, we don't bother to look at things we see day in, day out. This is how rape culture is. It's so big and so... everywhere, we don't see it. We're used to it.
If you want to donate to the Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico (incidentally, NM and AK have the highest rates of rape in the country) this month you can go to:
Rape Crisis Donation Through Self Serve
If you're reading this after April 2013, go to:
Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico Donations
*The stats in this blog are from a survey done in NM in 2011 that I heard about through the Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico. If you want the details about what survey and other stats, you can contact their education department.
I was waiting on three customers. It looked like someone was buying someone else a first toy. They were boisterous and giggly and disrespectful around things that suggested people might like something they did not. I was not surprised when they didn't want to donate. But then one of them said "the best way to stop rape is for all women to get guns... and learn how to use them."
Now, I feel like I shouldn't need to tell anyone why this is awful and creepy. I feel like there are plenty of websites out there that tell us all about that. And yet, this kind of attitude is still rampant. On the off chance someone stumbles across here, or forwards this to someone who needs to know, let's take a closer look.
Thesis: women should have guns to prevent rape
- This first part, that women should have guns, is problematic because it invalidates any choice a woman makes about not owning or using a gun.
- This statement also presupposes that either, only women can prevent rape by using a gun, or that only women get raped. I'm assuming the second is meant, but both are just not true. 1 in 20 men are raped in New Mexico.* While that's a lower number than the number of women, rape is awful for anyone who experiences it, so let's count men, ok?
- Moving on to the idea that guns could prevent rape. No. They can't. They might in some circumstances, but it is unrealistic to think it's a solution. I know that the after school specials show rape as this dramatic business where some guy follows a woman through a parking garage, or jumps out from behind a bush and practically announces that he's going to rape her. "Boo! I'm the scary sexual assault monster! I am going to violently invade your body. I don't care about you, nor do I recognize that you are a legitimate human who might have as much ability to feel as I do. Also, the last time I showered was 1982 and I have halitosis because my last meal was a huge pile of rotten sardines atop a pile of dog doo."
- This type of stranger rape (perhaps minus the dog doo) does happen, but not very often. Approximately 15% of rapes happen this way in New Mexico.* Using a gun here might work.
- The success of this would depend on the brain of the attackee behaving in a way that the fight part of the natural fight/flight/freeze response was activated. More on that later.
- It would also depend on space. How far away from the attacker is this person? Do they have time to draw a gun?
- It also depends on if the attacker has a gun. People going out to do crimes often plan these things... so I've heard. They have the upper hand in the element of surprise and in what nefarious tools they choose.
- If 15% of rapes happen by strangers... then 85% of rapes happen by people we know (and incidentally somewhere between 10-20% are someone we're already sexually involved with).* Is it likely that if you've known someone, you will think of having a gun ready next time they are around? Just in case they try to rape you, where they haven't tried that in the past?
- The power of a gun, is in its threat and its ability to harm. In order to threaten someone, the gun should be obvious. If someone is already on top of you, particularly from behind, it will be difficult to draw a gun, have the attacker see it and have them not try to wrestle it from you and then use it against you. You might, at this point, use the gun to kill or disable your attacker. That would also be very traumatic. Just being attacked, whether the rape is carried out or not, would likely require services from someplace like... hmmmm, a rape crisis center!
- We must take into account the body's response to trauma. You've heard of the fight/flight/freeze response? This is a physiological reaction. You might think you know how you'd react. Or you might plan how you would react. But until you're actually in a situation, you really don't know how you'll react. You do not have a choice about this because, as I mentioned, the reaction is physiological. People have different physiologies and that is why we react differently. So, if you're one of those people who does not react with "fight", that's normal. And it's the right thing for you to do. Whatever your reaction style is, it helps you survive. Go you!
- The idea that women should own guns to stop rape infers that rape victims are at fault if they don't fight back. Did you get that? It blames the victims! Because of the different things our physiology might make us do, which are all normal, this is bullshit.
- This also places the responsibility of not getting raped on the potential victims. This is also bullshit.
- The idea that guns can stop rape takes all responsibility away from rapists. Rapists make a choice to rape. It's everyone's responsibility to control their own urges to do things that aren't okay. If you have a tendency to cut your toenails in bed, it is not your toenail's fault that you are then uncomfortable lying in bed. Similarly, it's not your toenail's fault that they grow to need clipping.
Rape culture is what tells boys and men that they have to be powerful in order to be manly. It perpetuates the normalcy of violence against women, other minorities, disenfranchised groups and reinforces rigid gender roles through media. It tells us that it's the responsibility of someone to avoid rape rather than telling us it's our job to treat other human beings with respect and kindness.
I know a lot of people don't believe in rape culture. I don't know what to say to them except, go listen to a class or presentation about it and then, once you have information, make another decision. If it's a good presentation, it won't blame groups of people (nor individuals). Fault is beside the point. We are inured to what is right in front of us. Meaning, we don't bother to look at things we see day in, day out. This is how rape culture is. It's so big and so... everywhere, we don't see it. We're used to it.
If you want to donate to the Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico (incidentally, NM and AK have the highest rates of rape in the country) this month you can go to:
Rape Crisis Donation Through Self Serve
If you're reading this after April 2013, go to:
Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico Donations
*The stats in this blog are from a survey done in NM in 2011 that I heard about through the Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico. If you want the details about what survey and other stats, you can contact their education department.
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