I've read a few great posts that fit right in here in the past week. Here are two of them. I'll add more as I come across them.
Two letters about people being creepy answered in very clear and excellent ways.
Captain Awkward talks to people who have been called creepy and explains.
A basic guide to how not to be creepy. It is basic, but if people don't get this much, damn skippy, they'd better read it.
Trigger warning:
This article is about Not Rape: those things we aren't taught to think of as rape and therefore don't figure out that they are not okay
A response to Captain Awkward's responses on the post about creeping. It's fun and a little tough to follow.
Ideas on how to end rape.
A letter from a woman to a man who offended her at the subway.
A great add that tries to show men how staring at women is creepy.
Fanart about power and privilege
Two letters about people being creepy answered in very clear and excellent ways.
Captain Awkward talks to people who have been called creepy and explains.
A basic guide to how not to be creepy. It is basic, but if people don't get this much, damn skippy, they'd better read it.
Trigger warning:
This article is about Not Rape: those things we aren't taught to think of as rape and therefore don't figure out that they are not okay
A response to Captain Awkward's responses on the post about creeping. It's fun and a little tough to follow.
Ideas on how to end rape.
A letter from a woman to a man who offended her at the subway.
A great add that tries to show men how staring at women is creepy.
Fanart about power and privilege
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